Thursday, June 12, 2014

Yes, I'm Dating a Married Man

Yes, It's true - I am dating a married man. And yes, his wife knows about it. In fact, his wife and I are actually friends and get along quite well.

Poly relationships can be complicated, but Nick and I both agreed from the very beginning that we would like to remain friends even if a romantic relationship didn't pan out. The second item that we agreed on was communication - it must remain open, honest, and candid at all times.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Doing the Best I Can

Let me be the first to admit that I'm a shitty parent most days, but I'm doing the best I can. I have 2 little girls under the age of 4 and I swear, they work together to push my buttons in ways unimaginable. Don't get me wrong, I love them dearly and they are the center of my universe, but there are those days where the whining, crying, constant jumping around, and screaming at each other make me want to lock them both in a closet just to have a few moments of silence.

Social media does an awesome job of making me feel like a shitty parent, especially when my "peers" are involved. I belong to so many local groups on Facebook that it will make your head spin - The "Crunchy" Mamas (which I actually admin), Cloth Diaper Moms, Breastfeeding Moms, Working Moms, Local Families, etc. Most of these groups come with a lot of judgement from others if I don't fit the mold of the "ideal member" or "perfect parent". But the truth of the matter is that I really don't give a fuck about what other moms (or dads) think of me any more. I do the best I can considering the circumstances.